Gateway Computer Co., Ltd.


Inoculation against APT : gINC



A service for sending email attacks to target recipients(Inoculation).

Disguise as a sender and setup an email that suits for your environment.

Email open rates will decrease through two trainings.


Word files are created, attached and sent to keep track how many recipients has opened the attached files.

Attachments are for tracing sealed or unsealed files. They are harmless to any devices.

A tool will log opened attached files as history to GWC cloud.

Common Considerations

You will be able to see the report during or after inoculation at any time.

If you are dissatisfied with your results, we offer multiple training for a lower cost.

Why do we need inoculation test?

  • In order to comply with P Mark and PCIDSS, it is recommended that you undergo periodically educate security practices to employees on a regular basis.
  • In a real situation, when a computer gets infected by email attachments, not only that you lose trust with customers, the combination of time and cost to manually fix your computer system will place a large burden on IT administrators.
  • While counter acting with attacking emails, you and your related companies’ information will be harder to steal.
  • If your information has been leaked, your company will become a pure victim. If that information effect to other companies, then your company is risk of becoming a perpetrators and complicit to the attacker.


  • Our cloud-based services offer an inexpensive price.
  • We support both inoculation and employee training.
  • We offer a flexible and periodic schedule and time.
  • We support websites that require login authentication.
  • There are options for on-site reporting and email training sessions.
  • If you are under our contract, we offer an even lower price to purchasing multiple set of training.
  • You will experience open rates will drop after repetitive testing.


Email Form and Email Check


Service Menu

We offer 2 training or multiple training pack as a base. We have flexible options for inoculation plans, ranging from one recipient to many.

Service Price(Tax not included)*
Base Price
300,000 Yen
1 ~ 10 Recipients 11 ~ 100 Recipients 101 ~ 500 Recipients 501 ~ 1000 Recipients 1001 ~ Recipients
100,000 Yen 200,000 Yen 300,000 Yen 400,000 Yen Consult with us

* Service price for gINC service will be base price + number of recipients.